Trailer: Cyberpunk 2077

Projekt RED , the studio which happens to be the origin of the Witcher series, is currently working on a new futuristic RPG called Cyberpunk 2077. And even if it does not come out for many months, even years, it has all-of-even decided to put online a first trailer to help us see a little clearer on what promises particularly promising as a title. Morality, if you like RPGs, cyborgs and sexy girls hidden blades 20 centimeters in their forearms, then this first video Cyberpunk 2077 should you put water in the mouth. As its name suggests, is based on Cyberpunk 2077 role-playing namesake paper and more specifically Cyberpunk 2020  and / or Cyberpunk 3.0. I do not know if roleplayers hiding in the room, but be aware that it is undoubtedly...

Nexus 4: Prices explode

The Nexus 4 Google should bow out as the vice president of LG. The end of life will she an impact on the selling price? The answer could be positive because a site offers Smartphone at a price pretty incredible. The Nexus 4 is still absent Store Play Google , but users can buy it on other platforms. Some sites offer merchants or SFR Smartphone. Demand was very strong when the mobile integrated market, but production did not satisfy consumers. Many people can not order it at the store, they still able to find it on the web, but the prices are quite high. Eg SFR offers in its catalog costs 629.90 euros while 349 were sold on Google Play. This amount may seem exorbitant, but Grosbill did much better. An Exorbitant Price A few days...

iPad 5 Mini iPad 2: The tablet would make an appearance in March

The iPad 5 and iPad Mini 2 would enter in the month of March according to analysts. The tablet would be offered only 5 months after the last iPad. The model could also be lighter and thinner. The iPad 5 and the iPad Mini would be presented from 2 March 2013. This is a Topeka Capital Markets analyst who had the opportunity to have information at the CES in Las Vegas. The second generation of the iPad Mini should keep the same format, but the processor is much more powerful. By cons, it does not indicate whether the screen is Retina. According to Brian White, the new device would only be an update of the previous version, it should not be big differences. The design should be similar, but the iPad Mini would be more powerful, but the...

CES 2013: Bluetooth range is unusual Hapifork

The CES 2013 is full of intelligent and some are really unusual. This range made ​​in France is named HapiFork. Connection with Bluetooth, it helps you during your meals do not eat too fast. 2013 CES offers products that are quite unusual. Some are related to smartphones, the tablets, but companies have focused on food. The high-tech in the kitchen also invites as many models of refrigerators become intelligent. Now it is covered which are covered by the technology and it is the company that offers Hapilab at CES, Intelligent Bluetooth range. The latter is named HapiFork and should help you eat by showing you the pace to follow. In fact, if you swallow your food in a few minutes, the consequences on the body are numerous. The practice...

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