Happy Birthday SMS: Short Message Service celebrates 20 years

The SMS is the system used to communicate with others. This 20 th anniversary we are younger. Indeed, the first Short Message Service was sent for the first time on 3 December 1992.

SMS is still used in the field of telephony . It is fast, simple and offers a much more comfortable talking with new technologies. Although other services tend to compete, SMS is one of the most sought after by customers. The first SMS sent on 3 December 1992 was atypical Merry Christmas. He had been sent several days before Christmas on the Vodafone network with a computer. Since that day, which came in the history of phones, SMS and multiply this average will be heavily used at the end of the month. Texting is indeed the best way to wish a happy new year at midnight to everyone around her. Last year nearly 4000 billion SMS were sent all over the world. In 2012, the score should explode.

One billion SMS New Year

Today, SMS in all packages and operators offer unlimited formulas. Essentially the French use this mode of communication, you should know that each subscriber sends an average of 213 SMS per month. Two years ago, mobile users do not exceed 91 text messages per month. United States, SMS undergoes a decline since, for the first time in 10 years, a decline was seen by analysts.

In France, the decline would tend to draw. Indeed, other services are beginning to attract more consumers. These now use instant messaging as Facebook Messenger or BlackBerry Messenger. The SMS was still beautiful days ahead. At the end of the year, he will have the opportunity to blow up the statistics, this is a good time to send SMS as each year nearly one billion Textos are sent to loved ones with the famous phrase Happy New Year.

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