Web development: Google launches a stable version of SDK programming language Dart

A year ago, Google unveiled its own web programming language, Dart, designed to eventually replace JavaScript. This new object-oriented language is clearly an ambitious project because the goal is to create a structured language, flexible but easy to understand and use, while ensuring high performance on all browsers.

To run code written in Dart must be a native virtual machine is a server-side compiler that converts the JavaScript code for modern browsers. So the language can not be used at the moment in development environment, should although most modern browsers natively integrate Dart virtual machine, starting with Chrome ...

Google has also released the first stable version of the software development kit (SDK) programming language which has just celebrated its first birthday. This new version of the SDK provides, among other things, a virtual machine faster (and sometimes more powerful than the V8 JavaScript engine developed by Google on some benchmarks).

This SDK is available for Windows, Mac and Linux also includes the open-source editor Dart Editor and browser Chromium compiled virtual machine Dart.

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