Mobile payment test soon on Facebook

Users of Facebook in the future could use their account on the social network to make payments over the Internet via a mobile phone.

According to AllThingsD, Facebook plans to test in September or October 1st mobile payment solution PayPal competitor, in order to increase still further its presence in the mobility sector.

Few users register their bank details 

This test was confirmed by Facebook to AllThingsD. However the site belies frontally attack his "partner" Paypal. Facebook and indicates that the product is "just to test how we can help our partners app to provide an easier shopping experience. "

The social network says so do not consider extending the payment beyond those purchases. To receive such a payment service, users will have to have their Facebook and having previously experienced bank details on their profile.

They would for few have reported such data to social network according to Forrester time (less than 10 million in the U.S., 101 million users of Facebook mobile application).

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