The clock is ticking and we are approaching more the launch of BlackBerry 10 and the first two terminals can enjoy either the Z10 and X10. Voltage is at its peak and there is no doubt that RIM must currently be in the process of finalizing the last details of the official announcement. But in fact, if you just can not wait, then the following should interest you as new photos of BlackBerry Z10 have just been published in RapidBerry , photos which highlight two different models: one black and white. It is now almost a certainty, the Z10 should eventually be available in white.
What you need to know about these pictures is that they do not come from a dark corner of the web. In reality and from what we know, it would be official photos and will feed the communication campaign that will accompany the launch of the new platform RIM. We discover a succession of images highlighting some of the advantages of BlackBerry 10, assets such as Libra, or Remember the new keyboard.
Communication campaign requires, these pictures are obviously very well made and is very far from all the clichés fuzzy falling regularly on the web. Photos net , therefore, and show us once again that RIM did not lace. BlackBerry Z10 is actually required as a smartphone very elegant , particularly neat and that will certainly probably not excite all those interested directly or indirectly to the brand and its products.
Is it enough for the firm back in the race? It is still too early to tell but it seems all de same as it is in the right direction. RIM has recently announced that BlackBerry 10 will benefit, since its launch, 70,000 applications specially optimized for the platform. And this is still very cool because it shows that developers are finally determined to play the game.